Saturday, March 1, 2014


Discussion Topic: Please watch the video and express your ideas and try to use as many adjectives as you can. What do you think this short film tries to convey?


  1. I think this short film convey to never give up .There is a woman is beautiful and young .And there is a Man who is handsome .Man fall in love a girl . It was love at first sight.Man never gave up.Finally man saw the woman for another time.I think man and girl will always be happy.

  2. Well I think this short film tells us that even if we do the best we can, we may fail. Sometimes all we have to do is just wait for the luck. Also, I got to say that it's a really funny short film, i liked it.

  3. Well, I think this short film convey to never lose hope. There is nothing we can't do, if we want. At the beginning I thought they never meet again, but everything was reversing. It's nice and romantic short film.

  4. I think this short film conveys us that coincidences can always happen. We shouldn't give up and try to achieve our goal maybe. Well, this can't happen in real life but it was so cute.

  5. ı think film is very good . I think they can t retrieve but the paper help them .the film is fascinatng
