Saturday, March 22, 2014


Discussion Topic: In this video you are going to see different lifestyles. Discuss the following:

Compare your grandparents' lifestyles with your parents', as well as tell the difference between free time activities they have had. 

You can ask your grandparents about their lifestyles in the past and how it is different in the present time. This advert will help you to notice the difference.


  1. I think this video's topic is really great. It means lots of things. Our grandparents usually stay away from technology but our parents don't. We usually have fun with our friends in our free times but maybe out children will do something really different.

  2. I can't watch this video. It isn't opened. :(

    1. When you use a programme which can open YouTube, it opens. :)

  3. Umm well first of all I apologize for commenting this late, but I just couldn't check the blog for a while. And for the video... Well it may be a good video about how our lifes should be, but coke has an influence on our health that it makes our teeth weaker and makes the acid in our stomach more and more (as a person who drinks Coca Cola A LOT, REALLY A LOT). But the concept is a clever idea, it's certainly beautiful and helpful to give a chance to health :) ^.^

  4. If you can't watch the video, change your DNS as;
    195 . 46 . 39 . 39
    194 . 46 . 39 . 38
    Hope it helps :)
